Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Champion 10 Hour of Yeppy Romeo

Champion 10 Hour of Yeppy Romeo

Special Guitarist of dressy music Latin / Flamenco, Yeppy Romeo Pangribuan have noted the champion play guitar during 10 hour without desisting, moment follow to participate in of exhibition Jave 2008 Jakarta Music and Entertainment Show, 16 maret 2008 then During doing its action, Yeppy which come up in Plennary Hall, Jakarta Convention Center at the same time gird the acoustic guitar and electrical of taylor colaboration with a few guest star, for example Boomerang, Brown, Ian Antono, Gilang Ramadhan, Viky Sianipar, DJ Max Don and also some board musicians to the other

Besides, in the effort to note the champion of version of Museum of Indonesia Champion ( The MURI), yeppy carry many 150 song from 10 kinds of music stream, including pop Indonesia, pop batak, pop west, spiritial / gospel; classic, Latin, dangdut even Flamenco

According to Yeppy, besides to break a record, he also have the mission to socialize the Latin music which it is true elaborating of. " I wish to indicate that the that Latin music not merely people property - old fellow, but compatible also listened by the rising generation," said Yeppy..

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